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2011-04-21 13:50:12
Last author: XxTsomexX
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Raindrops on Roses Characters


Physical Description:


Good Guys:

Username: [XxTsomexX]
Name: Tsome Uchiha
Age: 16
Birthday: July 2
Rank: Is known as a Jounin, but is really a Sennin, and only Jiraya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru know it besides herself.
Physical Description: (see image)
Personality: She is very misunderstood. She likes to tease others, and that gets people to think she's mean. She cares a lot for others, and would give up her own life for almost anyone. She is a very good teacher, and is need of another student. She also adores a good challenge, and anything else typically bores her. She can be lazy at times.
Likes: People in general, and teasing others.
Dislikes: Her past.

Username: [XxTsomexX]
Name: Ailika Haunt
Age: 18
Birthday: October 31
Rank: Jounin
Physical Description: (see image)
Personality: She's a really sweet girl, though her looks usually tend to keep people away, since she seems unapproachable. She is a very powerful Jounin, but hates to fight most of the time. She's more like a sniper, and would be if she had a gun. Her sword is her most used weapon, and she calls it Taki. She may seem mean on the outside, but she's really just a sweetheart. She also has healing abilities.
Likes: People, having fun, kittens.
Dislikes: Lightning, bugs (she's petrified of them).

Username: [KnightAngel]
Name: Nong En Li
Rank: Former ANBU, currently Special Jounin. (Former team member of Suzume Amaterasu.)
Birthday: June 14th.
Likes: Girls, his sister and relaxation.
Dislikes: The idea of Head and Branch family in the Hyuga clan and untrustworthy people as well as people that abandon their friends.


Username: [Elwyne]
Name: Suzume Amaterasu
Age: 23
Birthday: December 1
Rank: Jounin
Village: Village Hidden in the Waterfall
Physical Description: Long reddish brown hair tied into three braids. Two braids hanging down her back and one falling down the right side of her face. When not tied her hair is extremely wavy and falls all the way down to her knees, however since she's a ninja she keeps her hair tied most of the time with a hidden strip of spikes woven in so any enemy who tries to grab will get their hands torn. She has golden colored eyes and deeply tanned skin. Rather short and she has a delicate looking build athough she's actually very strong. Has two gold and black patterned feathers tucked into her headband and two more at the end of her braid that hangs beside her face.
Personality: She's a bit cynical and a pessimist although she refers to herself as a "realist". She will say that everything will go wrong and she'll say it with a half smile as if she doesn't really beleive herself. She has trouble relating to people and spends most of her time alone except for her hawk partner Ty and her other birds. Ty is a famous flirt and will flirt with any human woman except his partner who he says is too unfeminine and ugly for his taste. They're always arguing, except when they're working together, but really they are good friends... they just don't want to admit it. Her specialty is bird type jutsu's and recon or scouting and spying. She has wind nature chakra and occasionally uses wind jutsus with her bird specialty.
History: Former team member with Nong En Li when he first joined the ninja of the hidden waterfall village.
Likes: birds, being outside, making feather jewelry, reading
Dislikes: large groups, parties, getting drunk, people who are full of themselves
Image(s): <img500*0:stuff/aj/95006/1290836772.jpg>

Username : [Eyden13]
Name: Eyden
Age: 17
Birthday: Nov. 23
Rank: Anbu
Physical Description:She has black hair that flows to lower back, in soft curls, that she wears half up and half down, so to keep her hair out of her face. She wears black glasses, making her bright, light blue eys pop out. She is only abouy 5'4", often wears soft black slip on shoes, a black Kimono that goes to right above the knee with blue triming on sleeves and bottom. (Same color as her eyes.) She caries two sias(half swords) as her perferd weapon, but does have the ninja nessesities, and wears her band around her waist.
Personality: She is immensely loyal to her friends, and would never betray them, as a result she on Anbu team that specializes in missing nin, which she is captain of, because she can‘t sand those who betray their friends and family. She is very polite and a bit shy because her father moving her to the edge of the village, in an isolated spot in the forest when her mother died when she was ten. Her mother, a medical nin, would collect gems and unique rock when she went off on a mission, which the collection was passed down to Eyden, who now continues the tradition. Eyden is a book worm that will read anything she can get her hands on, she is even fond of Jiraya’s pervy books. She is great friends with Hinata and Kakashi, who she deeply respects, and goofs around with. Her father, a respected jounin, has taken no interest in his daughter since his wife died, causing Eyden to hold resentment against him and think more of her teachers as parents. Since her father hasn’t been there she spends her holidays with either Hinata, Kakashi, or working. She also is a big drinker, but because of her minor medical jutsus she never gets a hang over. She is usually a calm, and sweat person who has a great sense of humor, but when you get her angry she is a force to be reckoned with.
Likes: Books, Candles, tea/sake, strawberries and gems/unique rocks
Dislikes: wasting time, corn, licorish, missing nin and bugs(they slightly freak her out since she woke up as a child covered inhead to toe by spiders.)
Image(s): Below


Username: [Eyden13]
Name: Cara Yoshi
Age: 19
Birthday: March 17th
Rank: Jounin
Physical Description: see pic
Personality:Cara is sweet and kind. She reflects the water, calm but easily riled. She is very intelligent and will spend hours peferecting her skilled and new techniques. She had a knack for teaching, which she desires a group of genin of her own. She is a perfectionist, and loves to swim. Cara loves to read and sit in silence to enjoy the little things around her. She doesn't talk much, but rather listens to what others have to say. However, she loves to cuddle and tends to curl up next to people unintentionally.
Likes: Water, strawberries, animals (especially foxes), and music.
Dislikes: Blood and the smell of paint.

Username: [~Crimson Angel~]
Name: Misty Uchiha (she is Tsome, Sasuke, and Itachi's sister, but they don't know about her... Yet. She uses a different last name, she uses Hinatana (Hena-ta-na) as her last name so no one knows who she is.)
Age: 17
Birthday: Oct, 28
Rank: Jounin
Physical Description: She's 5'9", she has Violet hair, Violet eyes, and she mostly wears black, or dark clothes, she's not a real big fan of bright colors.
Personality: She quite shy and doesn't talk very much, she has a kind heart and she puts others before herself even if it means she'll get hurt.
Likes: She likes Ramen, but that's not all she eats, she eats sushi, fruits and vegetables, and she has a huge sweet tooth.
Dislikes: Naruto, because she thinks he's too loud. She also dislikes stuck up people who think they're better than everyone else.
Image(s): <img400*0:>

Username: [twitchboy]
Name:Justin Nakini
Birthday: Oct. 15
Rank: jounin (supposedly, no records since he hails form Chisiogakure)
Physical Description: 5'8" with a slight build and deep intoxicating blue eyes. His sandy blond hair tends to get in his eyes in combat, but he refuses to cut it. He wears a gray t-shirt under a dark blue sleeveless vest that is emblazoned with the nakini clan symbol. His long pants hold many pockets full of lord knows what (presumably chunks of metal)and a chain wraps around his right leg available for instant combat use. His belt holds a odd little black dagger like kunia inscribed with the clan symbol, its an heirloom and seems to be nearly indestructible, he has no idea of its purpose but legends state that it is the heart of the god of metal and metalworking given to the nakini clan as a symbol of their pact.
Personality: He is always trying to be funny even if the situation doesn't call for it. He is also very serious and stubborn if he has his mind set on a goal.
Likes: Has a little thing for Tenten, and loves anything served with shrimp.
Dislikes: Ninja with higher respected clans than his.
Image(s): work in progress

Username: [Araglas]
Name: Zane Inirozuka
Age: 18
Birthday: Jan. 1st
Rank: Jounin
Physical Description: Zane is 5'8, with a lithe form, he has blonde hair, with two long braids going down his back. He has
beautifully deep eyes, (only noticable if he would look at people in the face instead of their feet!!)), he has a tattoo of a small aqua rectangle
under his right eye. Due to his lithe form, Zane is capable of running at great speeds and has a large amount of endurance.
Personality: Zane was born and raised by the two most prominent clans of the Hidden Waterfall Village,
his mother from the Inirozuka, and his father from the Hiieto. He was rigourosly trained and has had to prove himself over and over again.
He has been searching for a reason for him to continue being a nija, he is tired of the tricks and lies and back stabbing from political figures
and enamy villages. He wants a reason. He is an amazing Tactition, able to think gracefully under great pressure. He can formulate
several battle plans ahead of timeas long as he has foreknowledge. He wears his heart on his sleeve incased in steel. He doesn't
let many people in, but those he does, he will protect and doe for them. He holds them in the highest regards. In his own way,
he loves them very much.
Likes: Justin Nakini(his childhood friend), Tea, Sake, Rice, Cats, Rain, Wind, Reading, Squirrels, his Elders.
Dislikes: Sasuke Fangirls, Naturo Fangirls, Fangirls in general, Girls in general because they all turn out to be a Fangirl of some type,
criminals, traitors, lawyers, mud, his fathers clan, his father, his mothers clan, and most of his extended family.

Bad Guys:

Or better yet! Put your bad guys on the wiki page The Village Hidden Among The Clovers!! -A special note from [XxTsomexX]


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2007-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: When I said," I like a certain boy but he doesn't know,because she hides her feeling from him."
I was talking about Rock Lee.

2007-10-27 [Dezmond]: i was sayin that as a joke sorta lol cause of what tsome said lol and i was leavin it open for if you wanted to or not it don't bother me either way lol

2007-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: But Jaden is 15.

2007-10-27 [Dezmond]: lol and he is a jounin lol he may be a child but he acts more mature than most older than him lol

2007-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: my character is 18,but ok.

2007-10-27 [Rice]: Lynn and Jaden might get along i long as he doesn't insult her..he seems the type to make her boring life exciting.

2007-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2007-10-29 [Dezmond]: lol he is about to be a rougue lol

2008-03-02 [Saiyuki Nano]: so wait we just post our char. here

2008-03-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: sup?

2008-08-03 [Asalli_Angel]: miffle?
I'm lost...

2008-08-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: Huh what?

2009-07-01 [TheKingdomLight]: oh yay you kept ira up what a relife

2009-08-18 [Eyden13]: hey if you know anyone who would be willing to draw my character could you/them please head over to Eyden's Characters and enter the art contest I have for her.

2009-08-22 [Eyden13]: Yay! I finially finished my chracter. It took me awhile, but I got her down, and an't wait to start the RP with her.

2009-09-03 [TheKingdomLight]: OH BTW IM HERE

2010-05-15 [XxTsomexX]: Hmm... we need more characters... (guys as well...)

2010-05-17 [Araglas]: lol hehe i could make another character if needed?

2010-05-18 [Eyden13]: Ohhhhhhhh Can implease make a new character

2010-05-18 [Araglas]: lol it would be awesome to use another character, can i please make another character for the rp?

2010-05-18 [XxTsomexX]: Sure :) please do.

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